
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

week 35 pregnancy update

We are now at week 35!
It's crazy to think that in a couple of days(2 to be exact) we'll be entering the 9th month of pregnancy!!
Front view of week 35 pregnancy photoWhat is our baby girl up to this week?
This week she is weighing in around 5+ to 6lbs this week and is probably close to her full length of what she will be, when she is born. The brain continues to develop at a rapid pace and the lungs are pretty much fully developed and are now producing surfactant, which will help in the exchange of oxygen once she is born.

How is Mommy doing this week?
I have to admit that there are now some times during the day when I am starting to feel more uncomfortable, but overall I still feel really good! My stomach seems to have ballooned out even further and has started to drop lower.

That's all for now :)

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